OEB 104
Date | Lab | Handouts |
Sep. 24 | Stems, leaves and roots | |
Oct. 1 | Flowers, fruits and seeds | |
Oct. 8 | Plant breeding techniques | |
Oct. 15 | NO LAB | |
Oct. 22 | Understanding wood and woody plants | |
Oct. 29 | The wood detective | |
Nov. 5 | Spices and essential oils | |
Nov. 12 | Economic botany through the glass flowers | |
Nov. 19 | Discussions | |
Nov. 26 | NO LAB | |
Dec. 3 | Plant identification | |
Dec. 10 | The Botany Library staff presents floras, monographs and plant literature. |
Background Images of chiles and chocolate © 1995-2003 Missouri Botanical Garden, http://ridgwaydb.mobot.org/mobot/rarebooks/
Website by Amity Wilczek